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by Mascott
King Height: 5" (12.7cm)
Chess Pieces: Heavy weighted hand painted theme chess pieces in crushed marble and resin complete with felted underlay
Chess Board Not Included: We are delighted to recommend to you two high quality chess boards with sufficiently large squares to accommodate the proportions of these theme chess pieces. You may purchase these chess boards right now from the Chess Boards section here at CheckmateChessSets.
- Wengue and Maple Chess Board (2.375" / 55mm squares). As featured in your images of this themed chess set. A darker wood alternative to your Walnut and Maple Chess Board but of an equally high quality - by Rechapados Ferrer of Spain. Click here to view in detail / purchase this product
Recommended chess board Square Size: 55mm
Click here to view your full selection of chess boards
A whimsical portrayal of old golfers against new! St Andrews is used as the Castle for the old side and Turnbury Lighthouse for the new. The Pawns are delightfully represented by old and new golf bags. Although no particular characters are represented, the two sides can be distinguished by their form of dress - the old side in their plus-fours and tweeds and the new with bright colours and baseball hats. Specially commissioned by British sculptor Peter Calvesbert.

Chess Board Not Included: We are delighted to recommend to you two high quality chess boards with sufficiently large squares to accommodate the proportions of these theme chess pieces. You may purchase these chess boards right now from the Chess Boards section here at CheckmateChessSets.
- Wengue and Maple Chess Board (2.375" / 55mm squares). As featured in your images of this themed chess set. A darker wood alternative to your Walnut and Maple Chess Board but of an equally high quality - by Rechapados Ferrer of Spain. Click here to view in detail / purchase this product
Recommended chess board Square Size: 55mm
Click here to view your full selection of chess boards